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A Word from the Dean

We, the artists, are the people of inspiration and enthusiasm. This day, our anniversary celebration, and everyone in this Hall today, are the faithful friends who did not mind either bad weather or the famous South. You have brought in the sun on this solemn day with your arrival. Let me tell you something about us, the teachers and students of the Faculty of Arts, about our mission and perspective, for the benefit of our city and state, which we often represent. When we are young, we are surrounded by people in whom we believe by birth. Later, one learns to believe in God, and someone to believe in people. And after some time, the faith in the people wavers, whereas the faith in oneself strengthens. Thus the world functions. And we, the artists, believe in God, and people and ourselves. Thus, the finest sensors of the artistic souls are reached. These natures are more sensitive to the light and are mostly moving modestly and unobtrusively. They are preparing themselves for a great light for years, slowly, so as not to be exhausted by a premature flash of the glory. However, the glory is a new awakening, returning to the divine and among the people....

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