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Danijela Zdravić Mihailović – The reprise phenomenon in sonata form – the first movements of string quartets of Franz Joseph Haydn

The monograph is intended primarily for students who are professionally engaged in music, but also to the general public interested in exploring Haydn,s opus. Reprises exchanges are seen through the prism of a comprehensive sonata form based on the dynamics of changes (from the simplest, typical to those that significantly change the image of the classical sonata form). Compared to the conventional approach to the analysis of the sonata form, the study of Danijela Zdravić Mihailović puts an unusual problem in the research focus - the status of reprise - in order to show that inadequate analytical approach which is declared as 'correct' or 'incorrect' is inadequate, but that it is necessary to approach this issue taking into account on the one hand, stylistic characteristics, and on the other hand, the structural elements of the sonata form.