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Vesna Gagić and Miomira Đurđanović – Bibliography of Stevan Stojanović Mokranjac


Bibliography has been made in the tradition of other special types of personal bibliographies. The way of arranging, grouping and ordering of all bibliographic units is chronological and by material type. The collection and processing of bibliographic units, the complete material, as well as the final bibliography, is divided into units that follow a chronological sequence of events and the opus of Stevan Stojanović Mokranjac. So at the beginning, presentation of his life and artistic way are given, out of which result certain interesting records and dashes from the famous Serbian artist,s life. Continuously working on the improvement of bibliographic data, the musical works in its preserved, unsaved and handwritten form were first processed. A special section in the bibliography consists of printed musical notations in order to distinguish them from the theoretical work of Mokranjac. Also, Mokranjac,s listed text bibliographic works are presented in serial and monographic publications. About creation, opus and performance of his and other authors, compositions through the conductor's practice, bibliographic data are arranged and grouped by segments, namely: bibliography of undergraduate, postgraduate, master's and doctoral theses, bibliography of serial publications, bibliography of appendices and separates, and bibliography of monographs. Most of the bibliographic material is arranged by professional UDC classification. In the end, by creating authors, registry and expert UDC classification guide, finding the necessary information will be definitely easier.