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Dimitrije Bužarovski – Musiconomics – introduction to music management, economics and marketing


"Musiconomics - introduction to music management, economics and marketing, by prof. dr Dimitrije Bužarovski is a unique work of international proportions. At the moment, there is nothing that could be compared to this work. Musiconomics lays the discipline foundation in a comprehensive manner, which has so far been only partially present in the field of musical science. Dr Dimitrije uses the term musiconomics as a term derived from economy in which the oikos, or household, is replaced by music. As the author points out, this term is not unfamiliar to theoretical thinking of music, however, it is set as the discipline basis with a certain research subject and method for the first time.

Musiconomics integrates three disciplines: economics, management and music marketing. In that way, it becomes not not only theoretical, but also practical discipline, using a broader basis of economics, management and marketing, applying them to the field of musical art and culture. The book is full of examples from the music business and non-profitable music institutions. It is fully adapted to contemporary music culture dominated by internet and electronic means of communication.

Its purpose is multiple. First of all, it is designed as a textbook for students of all study levels (including doctoral studies). So, this course teaching as part of the Faculty of Arts in Niš curricula, finally gets its basic literature, which will help students overcome this, for them, at first glance, very complicated teaching contents.

Musiconomics has also a great practical value for all managers, not just music, but also in other artistic fields. The way in which the material is exposed and organized gradually introduces into these areas theoretical and practical problems, reaching up to musical organizations complex budget costs and incomes. Music managers are finally getting the manual, which in addition to minutely studying, offers a number of solutions to the problems they face on a daily basis. According to the author himself, instead of intuition and guesswork, today's music manager needs to rely on ready-made tools that are developed in these disciplines.

No less important is the work theoretical side. It gradually builds a theoretical system, from which musiconomics follows as a unique discipline dealing with the musical problems economic aspects. The meaning of economic factors in the human civilization development as a key determinant not only of social relations, but also of all the other spiritual and material culture components, in the broadest sense, equally relates to the musical culture development. Dr Dimitrije Bužarovski points out that by setting this discipline basic theoretical framework, the consequence may become economic history of music, of which there are already theoretical works. "

Dr Suzana Kostić