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Dimitrije Bužarovski – History of music aesthetics

History of music aesthetics, presented in this book, is essentially the history of Western music aesthetics. It includes the development of aesthetic thinking of music from the classical period to the present day in terms of Western civilization. This does not in any way imply that the history of music aesthetics should be reduced to the history of Western music aesthetics. The famous are philosophical interpretations of musical phenomena within Chinese (eg. Confucius) and Indian philosophy, and musical theoretical studies were conducted both in ancient Egypt and Babylon. The richness of aesthetic thinking of music points to the interest of musicologists, philosophers, composers, sociologists, psychologists, etc, so that the number of papers dealing with this topic is growing by geometric progression. The authors' intention is to, by adequate methodological approach, bring out much more and more diverse material, and in that way, as well as by his enthusiasm, attract even those who are skeptic towards potential speculative winning of beautiful music art phenomena.