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Miljan Bjeletić, MA, Full Professor

Miljan Bjeletić, MA (1973) finished his studies of Accordion at the prestigious music Conservatory P. I. Tchaikovsky in Kyev, Ukraine, in the class of prof. dr N. A. Davidov, where he obtained his MA degree in 1998. During his undergraduate and post-graduate studies, he had the performances at the renowned international competitions, The World Cup in Sweeden in 1995, where he won a bronze medal as the selected representative of SRYugoslavia, and the Grand prix at the International competition in France, 1997, the First Prize. His exceptional pedagogical activity has been recognized internationally, too. For several years of working with his pupils and students, he has won more than 250 prizes at the competitions in the country and abroad. A great many number of his students, concerts abroad – Italy, ChezckRepublic, Hungary, Finland, Croatia, Slovenia, Russia, Lithuania, Portugal, France, Switzerland, Letonia, China, as well as the competition successes, have contributed much to a greater affirmation of the accordion in Serbia. His students have been the winners at the most prestigious international competitions: The World Cup, The World Trophy, in Pula, Castelfidard andClingental, and also at the most prestigious international and world competitions, he has been regularly a jury member as the representative of Serbia. He has performed and worked as a pedagogue at the seminars in Serbia, France, Slovenia, Italy, Croatia, Lithuania, Poland and Letonia. In 2004, the Association of music and ballet pedagogues of Serbia, awarded him with the Prize for the achieved cresults, and in 2008 he won the prize from the Association of music and ballet schools of Serbia for the multiyear pedagogical results. Also, he has been the winner of the Certificate of the Higher League of World's Accordionists, Kyev 2007, as well as the winner of the Diploma of Music School Dr Miloje Milojević, in 2008, for the exceptional merits and the contribution to the development of Music School in Kragujevac. He redacted the manual "The Art of Transcription" published by the Faculty of Arts in Niš in 2016. He is a member of the Artistic Expert Council of the University of Niš. He is a member of the Music Committee of the World Cup of Accordionists - CMA (Trophy Mondiale) from 2014 and a member of the Artistic Committee of the World Trophy - CIA (Coupe Monidale) from 2012. The International Confederation of Accordionists, CIA “World Cup”, being a member of Music Council of International Organization UNESCO, awarded him with Recognition “for special merits” in 2013 in Canada. He has become the cover face of one of the world leaders in accordion production, the Italian company "Armando Bugari" in 2014. Currently, he is a full professor of Accordion at Faculty of Arts in Niš and a Head of Department of Accordion.