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Jelena Cvetković, Ph.D, Associate Professor

Jelena-CvetkovicJelena Cvetković, Ph.D (1970) graduated from the Department of General Music Pedagogy at the Faculty of Music Arts in Belgrade. She obtained her MA degree at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Priština. At the Faculty of Teacher-Training in Vranje of the University of Niš, she defended her Ph.D thesis The relationship of modern pedagogy towards encouraging and developing of imminent hearing and reception – in 2012. She began her teaching career in 1994 at the Music School Stanislav Binički in Leskovac. She is in title of Associate professor at the Faculty of Arts in Niš, teaching at undergraduate and master academic studies – at the course Solfeggio and Methodology of Solfeggio teaching. She published a monograph titled Immanent hearing and reception of music, a publication of the Faculty of Arts in Niš and the Scientific research centre SANU. She is a participant in scientific forums in Serbia, Republic of Srpska and Bulgaria. She is a member of the subject didactics Society of Serbia. She is the author and moderator of accredited seminar of ZUOV (Institute for the Advancement of Education) for the professional development of teachers, instructors, professional associates in the school year 2014/2015 and 2015/2016. She has reviewed textbooks and manuals, scientific papers in national and international journals and proceedings. Besides the professional engagement, she has been socially and artistically engaged. She has received numerous awards and prizes. The areas of her interest are: Methodology of Solfeggio teaching in Serbia, pedagogical teaching practices, textbook literature for the course Solfeggio in general education and secondary schools in Serbia.