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Danijela Stojanović, Ph.D, Associate Professor

Danijela-Stojanovic-celaDanijela Stojanović, Ph.D (1963), a professional lecturer, graduated in 1985 at the Faculty of Music Arts, the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje at Department of Theory. In 2003, she acquired her MA title in the field of Counterpoint at the Faculty of Arts in Priština (with a residence in Zvečan). In October 2011, she got the approval for the preparation and defending of doctoral thesis at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Niš, at Department of Pedagogy with the theme The continuity of pupils and students, success in teaching Counterpoint. Since 2003, she has worked at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Niš, at the study program General music pedagogy of the bachelor academic studies, at the subject Counterpoint. She has been active in working at the bodies of the Faculty of Arts, as the Chairman of Department of theoretical subjects, a member of the Comission for creating the rule book, a member of the Comission for the implementation of the Bologna declaration, the Chairman of Department of Music Art, a member of the Faculty Council and a member of the Comission for publishing activity. With the aim of professional training, she has participated in scientific symposiums, and her field of interest is oriented towards a polyphonic analysis of works of a contemporary Macedonian composer Stojan Stojkov. Bibliography: The counterpoint analysis of  the finale of opera Falstaf (2005), Niš, Students, informative publishing centre; Kodela S., Stojanović D. and Cvetković S. (2006), in: The Slovenian musicians  in the region of Niš (monograph), Niš, The Slovenian cultural society France Prešern; The application of the baroque fugue in romanticism with the example of the finale of Guiseppe Verdi,s opera Falstaf (2006), in: The Proceedings from the First scientific forum of Department of theoretical subjects, editor Sonja Cvetković,Ph.D, Niš, the Faculty of Arts in Niš (in print); The analysis of the factors causing the repression in acquiring knowledge of Counterpoint (2007), in: The Proceedings from the Second scientific forum of Department of theoretical subjects, editor Sonja Cvetković,Ph.D, Niš, the Faculty of Arts in Niš (in print); The application of Byzantine singing in the work of a modern composer (2007), in: The Days of Vlada S. Milošević – The Scientific forum Proceedings, editor Dimitrije Golemović,Ph.D Banja Luka, the Academy of Arts. The poliphonization of Macedonian folk song in composition Workers, song (Pečalbarska) of S. Stojkov (2008) in: The Days of Vlada S. Milošević – The Scientific forum Proceedings, Banja Luka, the Academy of Arts.