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Sonja Cvetković, Ph.D, Associate Professor

Sonja Cvetkovic_resizeSonja Cvetković, Ph.D (1963) graduated and obtained her MA degree from the Department of Musicology at the Faculty of Music Arts in Belgrade. At the same department, she defended in 2010 her Ph.D thesis titled The Musical practice in Niš from the late 19th century to the beginning of World War II as a part of the ideological, cultural and artistic reality. The main fields of her interest are the national history of music of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century. She has participated in musicological and music-theoretical conferences in Belgrade, Niš and Kragujevac. She has published the scientific papers in the journals and the proceedings of the scientific forums.  She has worked at the Faculty of Arts in Niš since 2001. She was also engaged at the Music Department of the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad. She is a member of the Serbian Musicological Society. The main references: A composer, journalist and pedagogue Dragutin Čolić (1907-1987), marking the 100th anniversary of his birth, The New sound - the international magazine for music, no. 29, 2007, p. 23-35; The opus of Petar Stojanović in musical criticism and the historiography, in: I. Perković-Radak, D. Stojanović Novičić, D. Lajić (editors): The history and mystery of music - in honor of Roksanda Pejović, the Proceedings. Belgrade, the Faculty of Music Arts, 2006, p. 309-318, the final creative stage of Dragutin Čolić and its modernistic  ranges in the generational context, in: M. Veselinović-Hoffmann, M. Milin (editors): Prague and the students of composition from the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, the Proceedings. Belgrade, Serbian Musicological Society, 2010, p. 209-216; Music, multiculturalism and the concept of genius loci: Balkan and Mediterranean topographies in the sound space of Serbian classical music, The Themes - Journal of Social Sciences, no. 4, Niš, 2011, p. 1303-1321; The Archives of Yugoslav / International Choral Festival: from a paper to the digital history of the Festival, "Music on the paper, the music on the screen" - XI International Symposium of the Department of Musicology at the Faculty of Music Arts in Belgrade, Belgrade, in April 2012. Published monographs: Sonja Marinković, Sonja Cvetković: Monument to Stevan Stojanović Mokranjac, Niš, Niš Cultural Centre, 2014, Music practice in Niš from the late 19th century to the beginning of Second World War  ideological, cultural and artistic context, Niš, University of Niš, Faculty of arts in Niš, Centre for Scientific Research of SASA and University of Niš, 2015.