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Spec. Jelena Jakovljević, Assistant Professor

Jelena-JakovljevicJelena Jakovljević, SPEC. (1983), graduated and specialized in Flute at the Music Academy of Arts in Belgrade, in the class of prof. Ljubiša Jovanović. During two concert seasons, she was engaged as a soloist – at the site of the first flute in Niš Symphony Orchestra. With the Niš Symphony orchestra musicians she performed solo several times a flute concerts of Haydn, Stamitz, Charles F. Emanuel, Bach and Mozart. Since 2007, she has regularly performed with a pianist Stevan Spalević. They realized a series of successful concerts within the National Concert Season, in 2008, performing in several cities in Serbia, and also performing at various cultural events at the Faculty, the University and in the city. She was awarded from the fund Jakov Srejović as the most successful graduate student of the generation. Since 2009, she has collaborated with the newly founded flute quartet, of which she is the leader and with which she has realized a series of the evening concerts held in Niš and Sofia. As a soloist and a chamber performer, she has presented herself in almost all cities of Serbia and Montenegro. She has been an active participant of the courses of the most eminent flutists nowadays: O. Nicholas, E. Pai, S. Caredu, A.Kahinberg, G. fon Barh, I. Grafenauer, D. Gavrić, F. Rengli, M. Kofler, V. Schutz, G. Han, A. Kacian, M. Bekavac, A. Bogdanović, M. Nenadović. Lj. Jovanović. Currently, she is in title of the Assistant at the Flute - the main subject.