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Dubravka Stošić, MA, Professional Instructor

Dubravka Stosic-Fotografija_resizeDubravka Stošić, MA (1964), has dealt with the pedagogical work since 1988. From 1991 she has worked at the Music College in Niš as the Professional Associate at the subjects Methodology of music teaching and Solfeggio. Since 2003, she has been working at the Faculty of Arts in Niš as the Assistant of the Methodology of teaching General music education, currently in title of a professional instructor. She has published several professional papers including: The rhythm as the element of musicality - a manual for the students of the Faculty of Arts, Zoka - a collection of children songs, the Musical fairytale - a collection of chidren songs, the Methodology of Music culture teaching - a manual for the students of the Faculty of Arts and the music culture teachers of the primary school. She has published three CDs with the copyright compositions for children. She presented the professional papers at the Second and the Third International Symposium of composers, musicologists, ethnomusicologists and music theoreticians in Soko Banja: The Analysis of experiencing the basic metro- rhythmic forms, The role and importance of nursery rhymes in music culture teaching and the methodological work in their acquiring, as well as the First and the Third forum of the Department of theoretical subjects at the Faculty of Arts in Niš: A contemporary approach to music teaching in primary school, the notion of musicality. During 2013 and 2014 she held several educational concerts (Musical Mosaic) in several Elementary schools in Niš, where she presented her own compositions.