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JELENA KITIĆ, MA (1975) graduated in Painting in 2000 at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade, in the class of prof. Jovan Sivački. In 2006, she obtained her MA degree at the same faculty, in the class of prof. Dragan Jovanović. Individual Exhibitions: in 2010 -  Experiment, Belgrade Gallery, Belgrade; in 2009 - Paintings, Gallery Boža Ilić, Prokuplje; in 2009 - Jelena Kitić: Experiment/ Stevan Kitić: Demonography, Gallery Čedomir Krstić, Pirot; in 2007 - The Measure of the Man, Pavilion in the Fortress, the Gallery of Contemporary Fine Arts (GSLU), Niš; in 2006 - The Measure of the Man, V.I.P. Art Gallery, Students’ Cultural Center, Belgrade. Group Exhibitions, selection: in 2010 - From the Fund of the Gallery of Contemporary Fine Arts Niš, on the occasion of the 40th Anniversary, the Gallery Synagogue, the National Museum, Niš; in 2008 - An Exhibition of Professors and Assistants of the Faculty of Arts in Niš, Gallery of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of St. Cyril and Methodius, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria; in 2007 – The Art Colony Sićevo, a selection of artworks 2003-2007, Gallery Čedomir Krstić, Pirot; in 2007 – The Art Colony Sićevo 2007, the Pavilion in the Fortress, the Gallery of Contemporary Fine Arts (GSLU) Niš; in 2007 - The 5th Anniversary of the Faculty of Arts in Niš, Gallery Serbia, the Gallery of Contemporary Fine Arts (GSLU) Niš; in 2006 - The 8th International Biennale of Miniature, the Modern Gallery of Cultural Center, Gornji Milanovac. She works as an Assistant at the Departmant of Fine Arts at the Faculty of Arts in Niš.