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A Word by the Rector of the University of Niš on the occasion of the eleven years of the Faculty of Arts in Niš (3rd December 2013)

Ladies and gentlemen, colleagues, dear students

A pleasant part of the duties of the Rector of the University is addressing the academic community on special occasions when the faculties of the University celebrate the anniversary of successful work, jubilees and success achieved with the devoted efforts in their field.

This duty is even more pleasant when it comes to the Faculty of Arts, whose teaching staff and the students provide the aesthetic component of the ceremonies of all other faculties within our University, making the University the academic community which is lucky to have the field of art as a part of the activity.

As the youngest child enters the joy in the life of every family, thus the Faculty of Arts, as the youngest faculty of the University, has brought the liveliness to the life and work of our academic community.

The art is visible, it is the one that decorates, one that builds bridges between people and opens up space for contacts in all other areas. It realizes in the easiest way the communication between people of different cultures, educational profile, geographic and other affiliation, because it does not need a translation, explanation, interpretation ...It is enough to allow oneself to see, hear and feel what is the result of a tremendous skill and talent to create a work that needs nothing – it is enough for itself and willing to provide all the aesthetic experience worth remembering.

The art, in addition to knowledge, requires one more important thing – a talent, a special ability that is not given to everyone, and which is the basic requirement for someone to be able to engage in the arts.

That special sensitivity and the enormous potential that predisposes someone to produce music, create the original works of art in the field of fine or applied arts, if properly directed and pedagogically followed, can create timeless works.

We are proud of the Faculty of Arts in Niš which offers the young talented people from Niš and this part of Serbia to develop their talent under the professional mentorship of the competent teaching staff in the field of music, fine and applied arts and with the beauty which they improve, giving it a personal touch, decorate the galleries, public spaces, homes and souls of their fellow citizens, enriching the life in this city with cultural contents that are an essential element of a fulfilled life.

These young people, their teachers, the prominent artists of this city make the academic life richer and the overall social life more meaningful, by bringing beauty into all our lives and making us all become better people with that beauty and richness of the life contents, besides our primary vocations.

I take this opportunity to congratulate all employees and students the Day of the Faculty of Arts, wishing them the inexhaustible inspiration and creative energy that will bring them success in creating the unique works of art.

I wish the students who have gained their diplomas of higher education at the Faculty of Arts in Niš to successfully continue practicing the art, creating more beautiful and brighter future to themselves and to all of us.

I know for sure that there is no an unemployed artist, because he has an internal driving force that encourages him to create, and a created work of art will sooner or later find its place in the cultural treasury.

The advantage of the real artists is that they are, eventually, identified with their work, and a real work of art is not limited to the biological duration of human life, it outlives its creator, providing him also the life after life.

Let your works speak about your work and life.

And you should continue to speak about your faculty and your university the way you have been doing so far. We sincerely hope that the name of your Faculty and your University will be an important item in your biography that will be studied by the art students through at least 1700 years.

Thank you for your attention.

In Niš, 03.12.2013.
Prof. dr Dragan Antic