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Beethoven Symphony No. 9 within the celebration of the Edict of Milan

The concert was realized within the celebration of the Jubilee of "The Edict of Milan 313 - 2013, Serbia".

THE PROJECT "THE EDICT OF MILAN 313 - 2013, SERBIA" is a state program marking the celebration of the jubilee - 17 centuries of the Edict of Milan, the legal act that put a historic end to the three-century persecution of the Christians and ensured "the right of everyone to believe in what his heart wants."

The Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Organizing Committee co-chaired by the President of the Republic of Serbia, Mr. Tomislav Nikolić and His Holiness the Serbian Patriarch Irinej, made ​​the decision to proclaim the year 2013 to be the year of all-Christian joy, which would be marked in Serbia, with a series of spiritual and secular events and manifesatations.
The project "The Edict of Milan 313 - 2013, Serbia" is of national and international importance and aims to educate the local and international public about the richness and influence of the Roman cultural heritage in the territory of Serbia in shaping today's European civilization and to contribute to a stronger positioning of Serbia on the economic, cultural and touristic plan.
A hundred years ago, Serbia marked solemnly and in a magnificent way the anniversary - 16 centuries of the Edict of Milan. The celebration was held on 28-30th December in 1913 in Niš, in the presence of the members of the royal family Karadjordjevićs, the delegation of the Orthodox states and the Orthodox churches of Russia, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, as it had been written in "The Orthodoxy", the newspaper of the Serbian Patriarchate.
Under the slogan "With this sign you will win" (In hoc signo vinces), on 17th January 2013 at the National Theatre in Niš, there was an official opening ceremony of the Jubilee with the concert of the Choir of the Sretenje monastery from Moscow, marking the memory of the rise of Christianity and the rule of one of the most important Roman Emperors who had originated from this area, the Emperor Constantine the Great.
This globally important jubilee that would also be celebrated in Rome, Jerusalem, Istanbul and Trier, the cities which are linked with the life of Emperor Constantine the Great, put Serbia and the city of Niš in the center of the world, due to the fact that the Emperor Constantine was born in Naissus, today's Niš.

On a crowded stage of the Niš Fortress the Beethoven's Ninth Symphony was performed, yet another  event within the celebration of the Jubilee "The Edict of Milan 313 - 2013, Serbia". The audience greeted the Niš musical forces with the ovation,  masterfully performing the work of one of the most important German composer.
The Orchestra of the Faculty of Arts in Niš, Niš Symphony Orchestra, the Choir of the Faculty of Arts in Niš, the Academic Choir of the Students' Cultural Centre in Niš, the Female Choir of the Students' Cultural Centre in Niš, the Academic Choir "Obilić" from Belgrade, Niš Chamber Choir and the soloists, a total of over three hundred artists at the stage of the Niš Fortress, sent a message of peace and tolerance.
Before the ceremonial performance of the concert, the audience was addressed by the Mayor of Niš, Mr. Zoran Perišić, who said that he was particularly pleased that the artists from Niš are those who would perform the Symphony, with the basic idea of unity and mutual respect, which are the core values ​​of the Edict of Milan.
The Host of the evening, the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Serbia, Mr. Heinz Wilhelm, said that the tolerance is an essential element of the Symphony, as it was the basic idea of ​​the Edict of Milan, the anniversary of which is celebrated in the current year.
The solemn performance of the Beethoven's Ninth Symphony was attended by the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Mr. Nebojša Stefanović, the Minister of Culture and Information,  Mr. Bratislav Petković, the members of the diplomatic corps, as well as many people from the cultural and public life.