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Spec. Miloš Mijatović, Assistant Professor

MIJATOVIC_resizeMiloš Mijatović, SPEC. (1982), graduated in Clarinet from the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad, in the class of prof. Nikola Srdić and Aleksandar Tasić. He finished his specialistic studies at the Faculty of Arts in Niš, in the class of prof. Ante Grgin. He has upgraded his skills with the renowned teachers, such as J. Gilad, M. Collins, M. Bekavac, E. Molinari, M. Arignon. He won the first prize at the International Competition in Barletti, Italy, in 2005 and 2006, the Second Prize at the International Competition of Young Musicians in Padova, Italy and the Special Prize at the International Competition of Chamber Ensembles in Subotica. The Ministry of Culture and the University of Novi Sad awarded him the “Exceptional Award“ for the artistic activities, and in 2011 he won a scholarship of the Swedish government. He has performed as a soloist with the Orchestra of the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad in: Italy, France, Austria, Sweden, England and Serbia. He has performed at some of the most important festivals in Serbia and abroad: Music Festival of Novi Sad (NOMUS), the International Tribune of Composers, the International Festival Trollheten, Sweden, the Music Festival in London, England and IMPULS International Academy of Contemporary Music in Graz, Austria. From 2001 to 2006 he performed as the first clarinet of the Symphony Orchestra of the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad. Since 2005, he has been a regular member of the International Orchestra of South-east Europe at the site of the first clarinetist. He has recorded for TV and radio stations in the country and abroad (Radio Television Serbia, Radio Television Vojvodina, ART TV). He plays the clarinet of the brand Selmer, the model Recital. Since 2013 he has been a regular member of the ,,No Borders Orchestra'' performing in the country and abroad. He is a regular member of International Clarinetists Association ICA in USA and of European Clarinetists Association. He works as Assistant professor of Clarinet at the Faculty of Arts, University of Niš, Serbia.