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Stevan Kitić, MA

06 Stevan KiticStevan Kitić, MA (1980) completed a BA in painting with distinction at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Cetinje, Montenegro in 2003, an MA in painting at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade, Serbia, in 2008. He is a student of the doctoral studies at the Faculty of Arts and Design, Belgrade. He has had over 80 group shows and 19 solo shows in Serbia, Montenegro and Austria. He received  the Annual Prize for Drawing of the Academy of Fine Arts Cetinje, Montenegro (2001), the Annual Prize for Painting of the Academy of Fine Arts in Cetinje, Montenegro (2003), and was awarded the prize as Best Graduate Student of the University of Montenegro in the Realm of Arts (2003). He also received a grant of the Fund of the Royal Family Home of the Karadjordjevics (2003) and of the Culture Contact, Austria (2011). Following his graduation he went on with his further professional development and attended Salzburg International Summer Academy – The Zhou Brothers’ Class, Austria (2005), and within the Artist in Residence program he lived and painted in Europahaus, Klagenfurt, Austria (2006). He also attended Salzburg International Summer Academy (Pieter Friedl’s Class), Austria (2011).