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Serbian modern art through the prissm of anniversary of Miloje Milojević and Sava Šumanović

Within the modern Serbian art and through the opus of Serbian giants in the field of music and visual arts, the project that promotes the anniversary of a composer and pedagogue Miloje Milojević and a visual artist Sava Šumanović was realized. At the Faculty of Arts in Niš as educational, artistic and research institution educating future artists in the field of music, visual and applied arts by this project were realized the biographical exhibitions of the artists as well as a concert activity involving teachers, associates and students of the Faculty. As a project result is publishing of edition Serbian modern art through the prism of anniversary of Miloje Milojević and Sava Šumanović: a catalogue presenting exhibition, concert as well as scientific works about Serbian artists. The project is supported by SOKOJ from the Fund for cultural administration.