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First International Student complementary piano competition

The Faculty of Arts in Niš organizes the First International Student complementary piano competition which is held on 25- 26th May 2013.

Propositions of the First International Student Complementary Piano Competition

Brochure of International Complementary Piano Competititon

Rule Book of International Student Complementary Piano Competition



Article 1.

The founder of I International Student Complementary Piano Competition is the Faculty of Arts in Niš.

Article 2.

I International Student Complementary Piano Competition is organized by the Faculty of Arts in Niš.

Article 3.

The Competition is organized as the music manifestation with the aim of motivating of creative and personal potentials through performance, as well as encouraging the affirmation of the young artists.

Article 4.

The Competition will be organized according to the Rule book and the competition general propositions.

Article 5.

The Competition is open to all students of the state and private Music academies and the Faculties of Arts.

Article 6.

I International Student Complementary Piano Competition will be organized annually.

Article 7.

The Competition will be open to the general public.


Article 8.

The Competition realization will be carried out by the Competition Director, Competition Committee and Competition Secretary.

The Dean of the Faculty of Arts in Niš is the Competition Director.

The Competition Committee is consisted of the piano teachers at the Department of Complementary Piano.

Article 9.

The competencies of the Competition Committee are the following:

  • appointing of the Competition Jury and the Jury Secretary
  • planning, organizing and realization of the competition program
  • the immediate cooperation with the media

Article 10.

The obligations of the Competition Secretary are the following:

  • the reception and control of the competition applications
  • informing the Jury members about possible changes
  • the determination of the competition schedule
  • performing all technical tasks for the competition

Article 11.

The candidates will be evaluated by the Jury made up of the renowned piano teachers. The Jury member has no right to evaluate the contestant whose teacher he/she is.

Article 12.

The Jury members are obliged to evaluate the competitors and submit their scoring lists to the Jury Secretary.

Article 13.

The obligations of the Jury Secretary are the following:

  • attending the meetings and working of the Jury during the competition
  • announcing the final results after taking over the scoring lists from the Jury members
  • informing the Director and Jury members about possible irregularities

Article 14.

The compositions which are the original author works will be submitted to the Jury in the form of sheet music.

Article 15.

The most successful contestant will be awarded by the Competition Jury- the title of the Competition laureate.

Article 16.

The system of scoring:

the placement of the participants will be determined by adding up all earned points from the scoring lists and calculating of the median value.

The maximum number of points is 100.

  • First prize: 90 - 100 points
  • Second prize: 80 - 89.99 points
  • Third prize: 70 - 79.99 points
  • Commendation: 60 - 69.99 points

Article 17.

The number of prizes is not limited.

Article 18.

The decision of the Jury will be final and irrevocable.

Article 19.

The most successful contestants will perform at the final concert when the certificates will be awarded.