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SLOBODAN A. KODELA, Ph. D (1964) finished his studies at Department of Theory and Pedagogy in 1989 at the Music Academy in Sarajevo, and obtained his MA degree in Skopje in 2004, under the mentorship of prof. B. Canev. He obtained his Ph.D degree in 2012, under the mentorship of prof.dr Dimitrije Golemović and  prof. dr  Stana Smiljković at the Faculty of Teacher-Training in Vranje of the University of Niš. He started his pedagogical work as a Solfeggio teacher at Secondary Music School in Leskovac, and then at Music College in Niš. He has worked at the Faculty of Arts since its foundation, currently in title of the Associate Professor for the subject Solfeggio at bachelor studies, and the Methodology of Solfeggio teaching at Master studies. He is the author of the tutorial books-textbooks: The Solfeggio – tripartite voices, the Faculty of Arts in Niš, Students' informative-publishing centre, Niš, 2004, The Solfeggio – Duotone, the Faculty of Arts in Niš, in 2009, a co-author of the collection 300 Canons, S. Dejanović, Slobodan Kodela (in print). He is the author of the works presented at the national and international scientific forums, among which are: The Influence of a traditional urban song and newly-made  folk music on the education of the young people, The Collection VI of the Pedagogical forum of Department of Solfeggio, the Faculty of Music Arts in Belgrade, Belgrade in 2004, The Influence of Schulwerk on the formation and the development of Orff's  musicotherapy with the examples of practical teaching, the International symposium The Music Automn in Struga, Skopje 2005, The Music memory in solfeggio teaching, V International symposium “The Music in the society”, The Musicological Society, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Music Academy in Sarajevo, Sarajevo in 2006, The Methods enhancing the encouraging of creative abilities in solfeggio teaching, the Third international symposium of music theoreticians, pedagogues, musicologists, ethnomusicologists and composers, Sokobanja 2007,  The Results in researching of the presence of a traditional song in teaching music at primary school, VI Scientific forum, The Approach to a music work,  the Faculty of Arts, Niš 2012, A Traditional song in a textbook literature of solfeggio teaching at primary music schools, Banja Luka 2012; S. Kodela, D. Todorović, Serbian musical identity - a continuous blend of tradition and contemporary/Traditional musical expression in Music teaching, Science and modern university, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš 2012, Characteristics of children's folk creativity of Niš and Leskovac area, Conference "Vlado Milošević: ethnomusicologist, composer and pedagogue", Banja Luka: Academy of Arts of University in Banja Luka and the Republic of Srpska Musicological Society. Banja Luka, 2013 S. Kodela, I. Nikolić, Encouraging musical potential as a starting point in Methodology of mother tongue, Forum: Modern trends in curricular and extracurricular activities at Teacher-trainingcolleges, Teacher-trainingcollege in Vranje 2013, Dragana Todorović, Slobodan Kodela, Synergy of perception, reproduction and music reviews in teaching solfeggio, Conference "Vlado Milošević: ethnomusicologist, composer and pedagogue", Banja Luka: Academy of Arts of University in Banja Luka and the Republic of Srpska Musicological Society. Banja Luka 2014, Igor Nikolić, Slobodan Kodela, Test of musical hearing by Michele Valentino - characteristics and application possibilities, Banja Luka 2014.