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SUZANA KOSTIĆ, Ph.D (1961) finished all her study degrees at the Faculty of Music Arts of ”Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skoplje. She graduated in 1984 in Music theory and pedagogy, Harmonic analysis of  R. Wagner -  Tannhauser overture, mentor prof. T. Prošev and in 1986 at Department of Conducting, J. Brams - Symphony no. 3, mentor prof.  F. Muratovski.  In 1991, she obtained her MA degree in Choral conducting , L.v Bethoven - Leonore 3, W. A. Mozart - Piano concert D-dur, C. Orff - Catulli Carmina, ”Elements of choral sonority”, mentor prof. D. Šuplevski. She obtained her Ph.D degree in 2010, the Artistic field of  Interpretation - Conducting, D. Bužarovski - Vocal Symphony op. 53b, G. Sviridov - Pushkin,s Wreath, I. Stravinsky - The Wedding, mentor prof. Fimčo Muratovski, and defended her doctoral thesis “Collection of scores from International Choral Festival in Niš, Serbia, as a reflection on music and cultural dynamic in second half of 20th and the beginning of 21st century”, mentor prof. dr  Dimitrije Bužarovski. As a conductor, she has confirmed herself in interpreting of large vocal-instrumental pieces with the inclination towards interpreting of contemporary authors. Being a long-time artistic director and a conductor of the Academic choir of Students' Cultural Centre (SKC) of the University of Niš, she has realized a successful cooperation with Niš Symphony Orchestra, renowned soloists, Symphony Orchestra and the Choir of Radio - Television Serbia, as well as a remarkable long - time cooperation with the Puppet Theatre and the National Theatre in Niš. Awards and laureates: the Golden Badges of the Cultural Educational Society and also of International Choral Festival (IHS), Niš, the Golden Lyra of Music College, Niš, the Grand Prix at Yalta in 2003, the Grand Prix in Moscow in 2004. She was the laureate conductor at many international competitions and festivals; She received the Honorary award for the culture of interpretation and conducting mastershipfrom Tchaikovsky Consertvatory, Kiev; She won the Special award for performing and interpreting of the Orthodox music, Moscow; She has obtained numerous individual awards for the virtuosity and innovation in interpretation. She has performed in Italy, France, Portugal, Poland, Austria, Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Slovenia, the Republic of Srpska, Ukraine, Russia. The recording of the whole - evening concert of Orthodox spiritual music, held in Rachmaninov Hall was broadcasted more than 70 times on Moscow Radio - Orpheus. She published 5 CDs in edition of Students, Cultural Centre (SKC), Niš and participated in more than 50 Radio and TV projects of local, national and international media. She is the author of a textbook Choral conducting, in 1997; the Monography of Choral Festival, in 2006 and The Scores – the Reflection on Choral Festival, in 2010; She is the editor of music magazines Aperto and Aperto Nuovo, a long - time selector and artistic director of the International Choral Festival (IHS) in Niš and also a member of the redaction of Cultural Encyclopedia of Niš, Serbian Academy of Science and Art, in 2011, and the Lexicon of the City of Niš, Serbian Official Gazette, in 2011. She is the author of the projects supported by Serbian Ministry of Culture and the Commission for cultural opus of the city of Niš. She is the realizator of the project Beethoven: IX Symphony conducted at the Fortress Summer Stage of the City of Niš within the central celebration of 1700 years of Edict of Milan. She is the author of the project of J. Strauss, operetta: Die Fledermaus and G. Rossini,s opera: The Barber of Seville, within the project initiating the Resoration of opera scene in Niš, by cooperation of the Faculty of Arts in Niš, Niš Symphony Orchestra and the National Theatre in Niš. The operette Die Fledermaus was successfully performed as a guest performance in the 2013 season at the National Theatre in Belgrade. She is the winner of the October Award of the City of Leskovac in 2015.