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DRAGAN TOMIĆ, MA (1977) graduated at Department of Composition in the class of prof. mr Vojna Nešić. He started his postgraduate studies in the class of prof. mr Goce Kolarovski at the Faculty of Music Arts in Skopje, and finished them in the class of prof. dr Dimitrije Bužarovski. He has upgraded his knowledge and cooperated with the renowned professors, prof. mr Srđan Jaćimović, composer, also prof. mr Goce Kolarovski, composer and prof. dr Dimitrije Bužarovski, composer, pianist and musicologist. He has been the author of the compositions for various instrumental, vocal-instrumental and vocal ensembles. Among his compositions for the solo instruments, chamber and symphonic music are: The Symphonic poem no.1Medijana – for the soloists, chamber choir and orchestra, The Uverture for the voice and symphony orchestraThe Sounds –for the chamber orchestra, Constantinus' Fuga for string musicians, Roosters' Singing (Petlovi pojev) – for a flute, piano, vocal and the chamber choir, The Female suite – for a female choir, Kyrie eleison - for mixed choir, Niš phantasy- for wind orchestra etc. He has cooperated as the accompanist, composer and arranger with the Academic Choir of the Students' Cultural Centre of the University of Niš, the Female Choir of Students' Cultural Centre (SKC) of the University of Niš, Niš Chamber Choir, the Academic Chamber Orchestra of Students' Cultural Centre (SKC), Niš Symphony Orchestra, the Chamber Orchestra Concertante of the faculty of Arts in Niš. His works have been performed at the concerts and festivals in Serbia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Greece, Spain, Russia, Poland and England. During period 2006-2010 he was the Secretary of the International choral festival in Niš (IHS). He was Vice-dean for education during the period October 2012- October 2015. Currently, he works as an Associate professor at the undergraduate and master academic studies of the Faculty of Arts in Niš.