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JELENA D. CVETKOVIĆ, Ph.D (1970) graduated from the Department of General Music Pedagogy at the Faculty of Music Arts in Belgrade. She obtained her MA degree at the University of Priština – the Faculty of Arts in 2006, defending the work – The Systematization of methodological procedures and the methods of work in activating and developing of inner hearing. At the University of Niš – the Faculty of Teacher-Training in Vranje, she defended her Ph.D thesis The relationship of modern pedagogy towards encouraging and developing of imminent hearing and reception – in 2012. She began her teaching career in 1994 at the Music School Stanislav Binički in Leskovac. From 1998 to 2001 she was engaged at the University of Arts in Priština. Since 2009 she has been the Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Arts in Niš, at the subjects Solfeggio and Methodology of Solfeggio Teaching. On a scientific and professional plan, she has actively dealt with pedagogical theory and practice, exhibiting her works at national and international symposia (Serbia, the Republic of Srpska, Bulgaria). In addition to a professional engagement, she has been socially and artistically engaged, achieving the remarkable results, and has won several awards and prizes. References: ''The education of music culture teachers at the University of Niš - from musical culture teachers to the graduate theoreticians of art (1987-2011)'', The Days of Vlada S. Milošević, the Proceedings, in the preparation for printing. Banja Luka: the Academy of Arts of the University in Banja Luka and the Musicological Society of the Republic of Srpska, in 2012; ''Teaching of choral singing - from the tradition to the innovation'', The Days of Vlada S. Milošević, the Proceedings. Banja Luka: the Academy of Arts of the University in Banja Luka and the Musicological Society of the Republic of Srpska, in 2010, 83-91;''The Development Plan of Music Education in America and the Possibilities of its Application to Elementary Schools in Europe'', The Quality education for all trough improving teacher training, (278-282). Sofia: Subregional Conference of South-east Europe, inn 2010; ''Didactics of music of 20th century - the concept of the active method'', the Proceedings of the XI Pedagogical forum, From the reception to the interpretation (152-163). Belgrade, the Faculty of Music Arts, 2008.