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MILENA RAJKOVIĆ, MA (1965), finished her bachelor studies in Piano in 1989 at the Faculty of Music Art in Skopje, in the class of prof. Jasminka Čakar. Since then, she has been successfully dealing with pedagogical work, first at the Music School Dr Vojislav Vučković, and then at the Music College in Niš. From 2002, she has worked at the Faculty of Arts in Niš at the subject Piano – the complementary subject. During three-year mandate, she was the head of the Department of Piano. She defended her MA thesis in Methodology of Piano at the Faculty of Music Art in Skopje in 2011. She was several times a member of the commissions and the juries at the competitions for the young pianists with the most prominent national and international pedagogues. She has attended the courses and seminars with the renowned piano pedagogues, such as: Gadžijev, N. Starkman, S. Bogino, V. Ogarkov, A. Valdma etc. Her previous pedagogical work has been confirmed by a great number of the prestigious awards and prizes at the festivals and competitions of both national and international importance. Within the activities of international importance are also scientific papers published within scientific forums ICEST, Ohrid (Macedonia) and Infotech, Jahorina (Bosnia and Herzegovina), as well as Master Class and a lecture on the Methodology and the choice of repertoire held in the Istituto Musicale, Frascati, Rome (Italy). Also, she has been a creator, founder and producer of already traditional International student complementary piano competition in the last three years. Along with the pedagogical and scientific work, she has intensified her concert activity in recent years and held several concerts: Skopje (Faculty of Arts Hall – within inter-faculty exchanges), Niš (Faculty of Arts Concert Showroom in Knjaževačka st., the Catholic Church) ...