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DRAGAN ŽUNIĆ, Ph.D (1952), finished his studies of Sociology in Niš. He obtained his Ph.D degree in Sociological Sciences at the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš in 1984, defending the thesis entitled The Development of the idea of ​​aesthetic humanism. He speaks English and German. He had the study visits at the Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany (1989), and at the University of Vienna, Austria (in 1991). He worked at the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš from 1978 to 2004 at the subjects: Sociology of art, Aesthetics, Sociology of culture and art with the cultural history of the Serbs. Since October 2004, he has worked as a Professor at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Niš, where he teaches the following subjects: Sociology, Sociology of Culture and Art, Philosophy of Art 1 and 2, Aesthetics 1 and 2. For years He lectured in Aesthetics the postgraduate students at the Department of English and the Department of Serbian language and Literature, at the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš. In the winter semester of the academic year 2006/07, he held the course Literature and Identity: the literary construction of the Self, at postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Novi Sad, Department of Serbian literature, Course: Serbian literature. From the academic year 2011/12, he has been engaged at the bachelor,s degree program at the Department of Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Niš, to teach the courses: History of Aesthetics 1 and 2 (and Systematic Aesthetics 1 and 2 in the academic year 2011/12). Since the academic year 2011/12, he has taught the following courses at PhD studies at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Niš: The View of aesthetic theories and the 20th century Aesthetics. He performed the following functions at the University: the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Niš (1989-1991), the Head of the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Philosophy (1991-1992), the Head of the Institute for Social Researches of the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš (1992-1996), the Vice-Rector of the University of Niš (X 2000 - II 2001), the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš (III 2001 - X 2004). Currently, he is performing the following functions: the Head of the Department of the Study of Nations, i.e.(since 2009) of the Department of Social Sciences of Science and Research Centre of SASA and the University of Niš (from 2001 to the present), the Deputy Director of Science and Research Centre of SASA and the University of Niš (from 2002 to the present). His scientific work is centered around the following themes: the aesthetic culture; the history of cultures; Arts in the society – the society in art; the taste and taste formation; literature and the identities; literature and knowledge; literature and history; the hermeneutical problems of the interpretation of symbolic phenomena. He has published dozens of scientific papers in the field of aesthetics, sociology of culture, sociology of art, and the following author,s books: Aesthetic humanism (Niš, in 1988); Characters of the form: Fragments about Art (Niš, in 1991); Everyday taste: the Critique of liking (Niš, in 1994); Sociology of Art (Niš, in 1995), Nationalism and Literature: Serbian literature from 1985 to 1995 (Niš, in 2002); Merry Aesthetics (Niš in 2004, Belgrade in 2008); Talking of the sense: literature and knowledge (Belgrade, in 2010); Leaving (Leskovac/Belgrade, in 2012). He has realized the following publications: Aesthetic and Sacred (Niš, in 1994); The Minority Rights (Niš, in 2005), Traditional aesthetic culture: aesthetic dimension of the home (Niš, in 2006), Traditional aesthetic culture: everyday life and the Feast (Niš, in 2007), Traditional aesthetic culture: the body and clothing (Niš, in 2009), Traditional aesthetic culture: the bread (Niš, in 2010), Traditional aesthetic culture: the dance (Niš, in 2011). He is a member of Sociological Society of Serbia, Aesthetic Society of Serbia, European Society of Culture (SEC), Serbian Philosophical Society. He was promoted to the honorary doctorate on 21st May 2004 (doctor honoris causa) at the University of Veliko Tarnovo - St. Cyril and St. Methodius University, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. In 2010, he got the award of the Foundation Nikolai Timcenko in Leskovac for the book Talking of the sense: literature and knowledge (Belgrade: published by KIZ Altera, in 2010).