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SRĐAN MARKOVIĆ, Ph.D (1951), graduated from the Department of History of Art at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade in 1978. He obtained his MA degree in 1993 at the same Faculty. Operation: the Medial and painting of Leonid Shakey. He defended his doctorate in 2002, also at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, with a thesis the December Group and its contribution to the Serbian painting of the sixth decade. He worked at the National Museum in Leskovac from 1979 to 2003 as a senior curator, the art historian. Since 1993, he has been a guest lecturer for the subjects of History of Art and Visual poetics at the Faculty of Arts in Priština, later Zvečan. Also, since 2003 he has been a Visiting Professor of the subject History of Modern Art, at Department of History of Art, at the Faculty of Philosophy in Kosovska Mitrovica. At the Election council of the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš in 2003, he was appointed the Assistant Professor of the specialized scientific field of the History of art and since June of the same year he has worked at the Faculty of Arts in Niš, and is currently the Associate Professor at the subjects of History of Art and Visual Poetics. Since 2008 he has been a member of the Fine Arts board of Matica Srpska in Novi Sad. He has participated in numerous scientific forums in the country and abroad. He has published nine books in the field of the history of art and a great number of artistic and critical articles and book reviews in the field of fine arts in the art magazines, Art, Belgrade, Art- New series, Belgrade, Artistic life, Belgrade, Contemporary, Belgrade, Work, Belgrade, Literary criticism, Belgrade, Gradina, Niš, Our creation, Leskovac. He has written many prefaces to the catalogues for the exhibitions of paintings, sculptures and prints. Books: Leonid Shakey and the medial, Prosveta Niš, in 1993; Svetomir Arsić Basara or a Sculpture as fate, Serbian academy of Arts and science (SANU), Belgrade in 2004; the December Group, the Institute of the History of Art of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Belgrade-Iterprint, Belgrade in 2009; Pavle Djokić, a graphic designer and painter, the Foundation of Nikolai Timcenko Foundation, Leskovac, Interprint, Belgrade in 2012. The articles published in international and national journals: Belgrade in 1960- the best Exhibition of the December Group, the Proceedings of the National Museum XVII/2, the History of Art, the National Museum of Belgrade in 2004; the Sense of the country - the medieval spiritual vertical in the works of the Kosovo-Metohian artists, the Proceedings: Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, the Department of Social Sciences of SASA, vol.26, Belgrade in 2006; the Homeland vertical in painting of Zoran Furunović, Matica srpska proceedings for fine arts (ZLUMS) 36, Novi Sad in 2008, p. 259-277; ARTIST ANDREY BITSENKO, FINE ART, ARCHITECTURE AND ART OF FOREIGN RUSSIAN, COLLECTION OF ARTICLES, SAINT PETERSBURG, 2008; Painting of Leonid Shakey (with anti-art - to the philosophy of unity), Slavic Almanah in 2011, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Moscow in 2012; the First Serbian art exhibition in Sombor in 1910, the Proceedings of Fine arts of Matica Srpska 40, Novi Sad, in 2012.