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VLADIMIR JANKOVIĆ, MA (1952), graduated in 1978 at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade, Department of Painting and in 1981 he finished his postgraduate studies at the same faculty. Since 1980, he has been the member of the Association of Fine artists of Serbia (ULUS) and the Association of Applied Arts Artists and Designers of Serbia (ULUPUDS). He is currently in title of the Associate Professor at the Faculty of Arts in Niš. He has exhibited at 32 solo exhibitions so far, among which the most important are: in 1995- Belgrade, the Gallery of the International PRESS/center of TANJUG; in 1996- Novi Sad, the Cultural Centre – The Small Art Salon; in 1996- Belgrade, the ULUS Gallery; In 2006- Belgrade, the Gallery Singidunum; in 2007- Kragujevac, the Modern Gallery of the National Museum; in 2010- Niš, The Gallery Serbia. He has participated in over 200 group exhibitions, among which the most important are: Belgrade, Novi Sad, Niš, Podgorica, Kragujevac, Priština, Kumanovo, Zagorje ob Savi, Ljubljana, Zagreb, Sarajevo, Sofia, Toledo, Tel Aviv, Berlin, Morelia Michoacan, Estado de Mexico, Mexico City, New York, Washington. He has been a participant in the work of some 50 art colonies. He has worked on several theater scenographies. Awards: in 1987-Belgrade, IX Drawings exhibition Belgrade 87 -II award, in 1991- Pljevlja, the Award for Painting- Pivo Karamatijević.