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BARTF 2014

II Scientific conference with the international participation – Balkan Art Forum, Niš 2014, was held on 10th and 11th October 2014 at the Faculty of Arts in Niš. The opening ceremony was held in the Great Hall of the University of Niš on 10th October 2014, at 11 am. The theme of the Second scientific conference BARTF 2014 was: ART AND CULTURE TODAY: THE SPIRIT OF TIME AND THE PROBLEMS OF INTERPRETATION. The artistic program of this year's Forum included the presentation of the creative opus of the composer Smiljana Vlajić, MA, as the representative of Serbia, and the artist Laura Dimitrova, PhD, as the representative of the Republic of Bulgaria. The presentations were held on 10th October 2014, at 8 pm at the Concert Showroom of the Faculty of Arts, no.2a, Knjazevacka St. The artistic program of BARTF 2014 was complemented by the promotion of the second edition of the discography edition of the Faculty of Arts in Niš, on 11th October 2014 at the Faculty of Arts. Sonja Cvetković, PhD, spoke about the edition and the student Dušan Đorđević performed on his guitar.

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