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The promotion of the publications of the Faculty of Arts – Miomira Đurđanović “Teaching music in Serbia in the 19th and 20th century”

The promotion of the publication within the series of monographs by Miomira Đurđanović, MA, the Associate Professor at the Faculty of Arts in Niš, entitled Teaching music in Serbia in the 19th and 20th century was held on Wednesday, 29th October 2014 at the Faculty of Arts in Niš, in the Hall no.6. At yet another promotion of the printed edition published by the Faculty of Arts in Niš, spoke the editor Dragan Tomić, MA, the edition reviewer, Jelena Cvetković, PhD, the author, Miomira Đurđanović, PhD, and the Dean of the Faculty of Arts in Niš, Suzana Kostić, PhD.

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