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Exhibition of the awarded students of the Department of Visual Arts 2008 – 2014

The opening of the exhibition of the awarded students of the Department of Fine Arts of the Faculty of Arts in Niš, 2008 – 2014, was held on Thursday 23rd April 2015, at 6 pm in the Gallery of the University Library "Nikola Tesla", quay of Mika Paligorić. The exhibition of awarded students includes works of 19 authors awarded in three categories: the award for the best drawing, the award for the best picture and the award for totally achieved artistic results awarded by the Awards Committee of the Faculty of Arts in Niš. More details - http://www.artf.ni.ac.rs/index.php/izlozba-nagradeni-studenti-departmana-za-likovne-umetnosti-2008-2014/

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