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Signing a protocol of cooperation between Faculty of Arts in Niš and the City of Niš Administration of Culture

On Wednesday, 20th May 2015, in the premises of Media Center in Niš, a protocol of cooperation between Faculty of Arts in Niš and the City of Niš Administration of Culture with the aim of promoting the cultural identity of the Faculty and the City of Niš, as well as their common values in the field of culture. On behalf of the Faculty, the Protocol was signed by prof. dr Suzana Kostić, the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and on behalf of the Administration of Culture the Protocol was signed by Nebojša Stevanović, Head of the Administration of Culture. The cooperation between Faculty of Arts and Administration of Culture has been established with the aim of exchanging professional experiences, doing students, practice, as well as establishing cooperation in the field of teaching process and scientific-research activity through the realization of joint projects for which both parties express their interests.

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