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“Postmodern stories”exhibition of professors and doctoral students from the University “St. Kliment Ohridski” in Sofia

The exhibition Postmodern stories of professors and doctoral students of the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University "St. Kliment Ohridski" in Sofia, Bulgaria, was held on Thursday 11th June 2015 at two locations. The exhibition of doctoral students and performance were realized at the Faculty of Arts in Niš Concert Showroom, while the exhibition of professors from Sofia was officially opened at the University Library "Nikola Tesla". The exhibition is the result of international cooperation of the Faculty of Arts in Niš and is organized as a part of marking the 50th anniversary of the University of Niš. The works reveal the changes taking place in the consciousness of a "postmodern man" due to perception of traditional practices, values, beliefs, attitudes. Each artist has created a work based on this concept, in which one interprets the traditional stories and myths in the context of modern life.

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