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Ceremony marking the Day of the Faculty of Arts, University of Niš

Ceremony marking the Day of the Faculty of Arts, University of Niš was held on Thursday, 3rd December 2015 at Faculty of Arts Concert Showroom. At the ceremony, attendees were addressed by prof. dr Suzana Kostić, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and prof. dr Nenad Pavlović, vice-rector for scientific work and publishing activity of the University of Niš. On this important anniversary, the Faculty took the opportunity to give the awards to those that built themselves into the foundation of the scientific and artistic institutions and persistently contributed to the development and affirmation of the Faculty. The Council of the Faculty of Arts in Niš, awarded the Plaque of the Faculty, as high recognition, to Niš Symphony Orchestra, National Theatre in Niš and to asst. prof. spec. Miloš Mijatović. A retired professor of the Faculty of Arts Djuro Radonjić, MA was awarded with an occasional gift and the Faculty Council awarded Certificates to the families Jaćimović and Aleksić, for the donation of legacies which have contributed to the development of the Faculty, as well as to family Krstić and Gallery Art 55 for contribution to the development of the Faculty with various donations. Also, commendations to the best students of the Faculty were awarded: Nikola Djordjević, Stefan Dimitrijević, Savini Tomanović Kostov and Marko Milosavljević. In a ceremony program, authentic artistic expression was presented by professors, associates and students of the Department of Music Arts./ Authors of photos are Dejan Ristić and Nikola Djordjević, students of the Department of Applied Arts.