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Awarding Nemanja Radulović with the honorary doctorate

The world-renowned violinist Nemanja Radulović was awarded with the Honorary Doctorate on Tuesday, June 4th 2013. The honorary doctorate of the University of Niš Nemanja Radulović was awarded by the Rector of the University of Niš, Dragan Antić, PhD, at the ceremony especially organized on this occasion. In addition to the rector, the audience was addressed by the Dean of the Faculty of Arts in Niš, Suzana Kostić, PhD, recalling some of the many performances of Nemanja Radulović, with an emphasis on virtuosity, which this young artist born in Niš, presents in his work worldwide. The famous violin virtuoso thanked the University and the Faculty of Arts in Niš at the title assigned to him, and once again impressed everyone present in the hall of the University by the interpretation of a classical Bach, and with the premiere of a composition from a new project he is currently working on with the renowned composer and conductor of the young generation, Aleksandar Sedlar.

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