Opšte odredbe
1. V Međunarodno Studentsko takmičenje komplementarnog klavira je otvoreno za sve studente teorijskog odseka, kompozicije, dirigovanja, muzikologije, solo pevanja, harmonike i za učenike srednjih škola koji u nastavi imaju klavir kao uporedni predmet.
2. Organizator takmičenja je Fakultet umetnosti u Nišu
3. Takmičenje se održava u Koncertno-izložbenom prostoru Fakulteta umetnosti, ul. Knjaževačka br. 2a u Nišu
4. Cilј takmičenja je podsticanje motivacije i afirmacije mladih umetnika kao i podsticanje njihovih personalnih kreativnih potencijala kroz izvođaštvo
5. Prijave za učešće šalјu se poštanskim putem ili e-mail-om do 10.05.2017. godine na adresu organizatora takmičenja (za potvrdu datuma relevantan je poštanski pečat ili datum na e-mail-u). Uz prijavu je potrebno priložiti fotokopiju indeksa ili djačke knjižice, jednu kolor fotografiju (pogodnu za objavlјivanje, dimenzija kao za pasoš) i potvrdu o uplati kotizacije (vidi uputstvo u članu 21)
6. Raspored nastupa takmičara objavlјuje se unapred u brošuri, a satnicu i redosled nastupa određuju zaduženi članovi organizacionog odbora zavisno od broja učesnika u svakoj kategoriji
Propozicije takmičenja
7. Takmičenje se odvija u jednoj pretkategoriji i četiri kategorije: pretkategorija – učenici treće i četvrte godine srednje škole (trajanje programa do 10 minuta)
I kategorija - studenti prve i druge godine fakulteta (do 15 minuta) II kategorija - studenti treće i četvrte godine fakulteta (do 20 minuta) III kategorija – klavirska dua učenika treće i četvrte godine srednje škole (do 10 minuta) IV kategorija - klavirska dua studenata svih godina fakulteta (do 15 minuta) V kategorija – studenti master akademskih studija (do 15 minuta)
8. Program za takmičenje je slobodan u svim kategorijama. Takmičari izvode tri kompozicije iz različitih epoha i različitog karaktera. Studenti i učenici koji učestvuju na takmičenju sa autorskim delom, pored svoje kompozicije izvode još dve kompozicije iz različitih epoha i različitog karaktera po svom izboru. Izvođenje autorske kompozicije moze da traje i duže što kandidati obavezno prijavljuju organizatoru takmičenja.
9. Takmičenje je javno i program se izvodi napamet, osim za kategorije klavirskih dua u kojima je dozvoljeno izvođenje programa iz nota.
10. U svim kategorijama dopušteno je izvođenje pojedinih stavova iz sonata, svita i drugih cikličnih dela.
11. Organizuje se adekvatno medijsko praćenje čitave manifestacije, najpre putem interneta, a onda i klasičnim metodama izveštavanja (radio, lokalne televizijske stanice, RTS, štampa). Takođe, snimaju se nastupi svih učesnika na visokokvalitetnoj opremi.
12. Takmičare ocenjuje žiri, sastavlјen od 3-5 renomiranih klavirskih pedagoga iz zemlјe i inostranstva. Članove žirija imenuje Takmičarski odbor.
13. Žiri dodelјuje prvu, drugu i treću nagradu u svim kategorijama kao i nagrade za autorska dela.
14. Žiri može dodeliti i specijalnu nagradu za najbolјe izvedeno delo.
15. Žiri može dodeliti i specijalnu nagradu za najbolјu autorsku kompoziciju.
16. Žiri može dodeliti nagradu profesoru sa najvećim brojem nagrađenih studenata.
17. Odluke žirija su konačne.
Ocenjivanje takmičara
18. Broj nagrada koje će žiri dodeliti u svakoj kategoriji nije ograničen.
19. Bodovanje učesnika vrši se tako što se ne uzimaju u obzir jedna najviša i jedna najniža ocena žirija, već se vrši sabiranje preostalih poena sa bodovnih lista i izračunava srednji broj bodova.
Potreban broj bodova za odgovarajuću nagradu je sledeći: Prva nagrada - 90 do 100 bodova Druga nagrada - 80 do 89,99 Treća nagrada - 70 do 79,99 Pohvala - 60 do 69,99
Prelazne i završne odredbe
20. Organizator će obezbediti vežbanje takmičarima kao i probu klavira na kojem će takmičar izvoditi takmičarski program.
21. Svi učesnici takmičenja i njihovi profesori dobiće diplomu o učešću.
22. Svi kandidati za takmičenje do 10.05.2017. godine uz prijavu dostavlјaju dokaz o uplati kotizacije. Uplata kotizacije vrši se na sledeći način: a) pojedinačni takmičari, kao i klavirska dua iz Srbije treba da izvrše uplatu u iznosu od 3.000 din. u korist Fakulteta umetnosti u Nišu, Žiro račun broj: 840-2012666-89, Poziv na broj: 742121-10, Svrha: uplata kotizacije za takmičenje b) takmičari i klavirska dua iz inostranstva uplaćuju 30 € u dinarskoj protivvrednosti po kursu NBS na dan uplate u korist Fakulteta umetnosti u Nišu. Broj deviznog računa, kao i upustvo za uplatu nalazi se u Prilogu 3. Svrha uplate: kotizacija za takmičenje.
23. Za sve dodatne informacije obratiti se na telefon: +381 (0)64 189 2781 (Milena Rajković), e-mail: fortepianomm@gmail.com
Organizator takmičenja Fakultet umetnosti u Nišu, Kneginje Ljubice br. 10, 18000 Niš info@artf.ni.ac.rs www.artf.ni.ac.rs
Fifth International Student Complementary Piano Competition 26 - 28 May 2017
General Provisions
1. The Fifth International Student Complementary Piano Competition is open to all students of the theoretical departments, composition, conducting, musicology, solo singing, accordion, as well as music high schools incorporating piano as a comparative subject.
2. The organizer of the competition is the Faculty of Arts in Niš.
3. The competition will be held in the Concert & Exhibition Hall of the Faculty of Arts of Niš (Knjaževačka no. 2a).
4. The aim of the competition is boosting of motivation and affirmation of young artists, as well as encouraging their personal creative potential through performance.
5. Applications for participation should be sent by mail or e-mail until 10th May 2017 to the organizer’s address (the postal stamp date will serve as evidence of compliance with the set deadline). The application should be forwarded together with the following enclosures: a xeroxed copy of the applicant’s index (student course and grade booklet), a color photograph suitable for publication (usual passport size) and a proof of payment of the registration fee (see instructions in Item 21).
6. The general schedule of performances shall be published in advance in a brochure, while the timetable and order of performances will be set by the members of the Organizing Committee, depending on the number of participants in each category.
7. The competition will be organized in one pre-category and four categories: Pre-category: third year pupils and fourth year pupils of music high schools (program duration up to 10 minutes)
Category I - First-year students and second year students of the Faculty (up to 15 minutes) Category II - Third year students and fourth year students of the Faculty (up to 20 minutes) Category III - Piano-duos of the third year pupils and fourth year pupils of music high schools (up to 10 minutes) Category IV - Piano-duos of all-years students of the Faculty (up to 15 minutes) Category V - Faculty students of master academic studies (up to 15 minutes)
8. The program is free in all categories. The competition propositions require playing of three compositions from different epochs and of different character. Students and pupils taking part in the competition with competitors’original author work, in addition to his own compositions, may perform two compositions from different epochs and different character of their own choice. Performing original author compositions can last longer than limited, which should be reported by candidates to the competition organizer.
9. The competition will be open to the general public, and the program will be performed without sheet music, except for the piano-duos category in which performing a program with sheet music is allowed.
10. Performance of certain movements from sonatas, suites and other cyclic forms will be allowed in all categories.
11. The organizer will provide adequate media coverage of the whole event, first via the Internet, and then using classical reporting methods (radio, local TV stations, the National Television, press). Also, performances of all participants will be recorded on the high-quality equipment.
The Jury
12. The contestants will be evaluated by a jury made up of 3-5 renowned piano teachers from the country and abroad. The Jury members will be appointed by the Competition Committee.
13. The Jury will award the first, second and third prize in all categories, as well as prize for the original author work.
14. The Jury may award a special prize for the best performed piece.
15. The Jury may also award a special prize for the best original author composition.
16. The Jury may also award a professor of the most awarded students.
17. Decisions of the jury will be final.
Evaluation of Competitors
18. The number of awards granted by the Jury per category is not limited.
19. The participants will not be evaluated on the basis of one highest and one lowest score, but on the basis of the median calculated by adding up the rest of the points from the scoring lists, and then by dividing that sum by the number of values.
The number of points required for the corresponding prize is as follows: First prize: 90 - 100 points Second prize: 80 - 89.99 Third prize: 70 - 79.99 Commendation: 60 - 69.99
Transitional and Closing Provisions
20. The organizer will ensure that all the participants are given appropriate opportunity to practice on the piano on which he/she will perform the competition program.
21. All the participants and their teachers will receive a certificate of participation.
22. All the candidates for participation in the competition should enclose evidence of payment of the registration fee with their application until 10.05.2017.
The registration fee will be as follows: a) 3,000 RSD for individual participants, as well as piano-duos from Serbia payable to the account of the Faculty of Arts in Niš, no: 840-2012666-89, reference number: 742121-10 (Purpose: Registration fee for the competition); b) 30 € in RSD for foreign participants and foreign piano-duos, equivalent at the exchange rate of National Bank of Serbia as of the day of payment for the foreign nationals; payable to the foreign currency bank account number of the Faculty of Arts in Niš, where all the payment instructions will be enclosed together with the application form (Details of payment: Registration fee for the competition)
23. Should you need any additional information, please contact us: phone +381 (0) 64 189 2781 (Milena Rajkovic), e-mail:fortepianomm@gmail.com
The contest organizer Faculty of Arts in Niš, Kneginje Ljubice 10, 18000 Niš info@artf.ni.ac.rs www.artf.ni.ac.rs